Model Railroading Clinics

Updated 03/20/2023

Clinic Presenter Seth Newmann

CLINIC 1 of 2 - Layout Design Layout Planning Clinic: “Make only New Mistakes” (2.5 hours)

This clinic, offered by the leadership of the Layout Design Special Interest Group (LDSIG) walks you through the process of designing your dream layout in three stages:
  1. Conceptual: what story are you trying to tell?

  2. Structural: resolving the big compromises with your space

  3. Detail: track planning

This approach focuses on your objectives for the layout, resulting in a layout you will be happy with for the long haul.

CLINIC 2 of 2 - Layout Design SIG Panel “What Would You Do Differently (1.5 hours)

A panel of prominent layout owners sharing their dos and don’ts. After the Layout Design SIG Tour Wednesday, this is an opportunity to hear some of the hosts talk about their journey and lessons learned along the way. .