Model Railroading Clinics

Updated 09/06/2022

Clinic Presenter Joe Fugate

Joe Fugate is the founder, publisher, and editor of Model Railroad Hobbyist (MRH) magazine, first published in January 2009. Joe’s been a model railroader since the late 1960s and is a published model railroad author. Joe has a rich background in web software development, publishing, and video production – Model Railroad Hobbyist is just the latest of his hobby media projects.

Joe's HO Siskiyou Line layout, a pioneering mushroom benchwork configuration, was first discussed in depth by Joe in the January and February 1997 issues of Model Railroader magazine. Joe's also helped popularize the use of auto tail light bulbs for short management on DCC layouts.

Model Railroad Hobbyist is a free, online, digital magazine published monthly. The magazine's website includes the MRH Forum that offers a place for model railroaders to meet and talk about their hobby acivities.

MRH reports that it has about 30,000 subscribers."Advertise with MRH!"

CLINIC - #1 of 4 - Track Cleaning

Find out what causes the black gunk on our rails and how to reduce it. Get at least a year of flawless running between track cleanings!

CLINIC - #2 of 4 - Make It Run Like a Dream

Want your trains to run as good as (or better than) they look? Joe Fugate shares several decades of learnings and expert advice for getting and keeping your equipment and layout running as flawlessly as possible.

CLINIC - #3 of 4 - Painting In a Post Floquil World

Stash of Floquil / PollyScale running out? Get weaned off Floquil / PolyScale and map the familiar colors to other model paints. Also tips / tricks for airbrushing, brush painting, washes, and storing paints to last longer.

CLINIC - #4 of 4 - Siskiyou line #2 Update

Joe Fugate reviews his first Siskiyou Line layout and covers the lessons he learned over 25+ years of building and operating that layout. Joe discusses the dismantling of layout #1 and talks about the design and construction of new layout #2 being built to take its place.